Top tech

If you are interested in the new technologies and want to gain a lot of money, you would feel great in Dublin. This city is full of many High-Tech companies which are paying good money to employees. Especially the best ones.
The list of the top ten places which are hiring and paying the most is are Adobe, Microsoft, closed by SAP and Oracle. The most people work in Synopsys (3,353) and €145,271 is the average yearly salary in Microsoft which is paying the most to its employees. The good condition of Irish economy and nearly lowest taxes in Europe means more tech companies are hiring. It’s also worth remembering that Ireland has the fastest GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth in Europe for the next few years. These are very good circumstances for employers. And if something is considered by them as good news, employees should also pop open some champagne.
What Google stats showed, Irish companies prefer to hire office workers than physical workers. Seventy per cent of Google employees are working in sales and marketing, seventeen in administration and just thirteen in engineering. According to information from different tech companies in Ireland, not only Google has this kind of employment. Which may not be good information from last week, British newspaper – The Guardian showed that salaries in the same companies in UK are bigger. Sometimes even two times. But the truth is a little different. That’s because it also depends on where you are searching for information. For example Google hires 5000 people in Ireland, but in official country evidence you can only find information of only about 2500 employees. So in reality, salaries there can be much bigger.
At least, that’s what Google says. According to Irish economy predictions, about 50.000 of new workplaces should be created in 2016. Ireland may not be the Eldorado, but it’s probably a place where you want to live.