

New Exhibitions in the Irish National Gallery

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A new exhibition about Irish history is now possible to view in one of the most interesting cultural locations in Dublin. It is about “the 1916 Rising” as well as the Irish migrational past. Pathos of distance “In early 2015,…

Successful Attack to Defend the Title

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The Davis Cup. One of the most important tennis trophies in the world – the only one where nation and teamwork means something. Great Britain is on a good way to defend the title this year.   Yesterday, they won…


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At the moment, there is 196 countries in the world. People from 189 of them live in one city. It is Geneva. Even so, you don’t have to take a dictionaries there. Swiss people speak in more languages than you…

Stay Aware Of Your Personal Details

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Tech giants including Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Dropbox and more than two dozen other Internet companies have declared support for Apple in its battle with the US government. The FBI demands Apple to decrypt an iPhone used by the perpetrators of…

Why the F**k do people swear?

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Research shows that children start swearing by the age of six and we tend to swear about 0.5% to 0.7% of the time. That’s about one dozen curses each day, depending on whether you are a Harvard professor or a…

EURO 2016 TV Schedule

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FRIDAY JUNE 10th France v Romania (20:00, RTÉ2) SATURDAY JUNE 11TH Albania v Switzerland (14:00, RTÉ2) Wales v Slovakia (17:00, RTÉ2) England v Russia (20:00, TV3) SUNDAY JUNE 12TH Turkey v Croatia (14:00, TV3) Poland v Northern Ireland (17:00, RTÉ2)…

Five Cheap Places For Lunch

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Here is a list which will help you how to not go bankrupt because of Irish prices. Written by a glutton from a country where everything is four times cheaper. 5. The Wiley Fox (28 Eden Quay, Dublin) – from…

Is Leicester really a Fairytale?

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Don’t forget that anything can happen by accident. But being an underdog doesn’t change the fact that the Premier League leader is simply playing very good football and not winning by accident. It is also a sign for the English…