Best of The Best vol. II

Usually, we do our everyday things like mowing the grass or divorcing, and don’t care about what a scientist does. But at the same time they observe us without any breaks. The world would probably not exist if they didn’t…
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Usually, we do our everyday things like mowing the grass or divorcing, and don’t care about what a scientist does. But at the same time they observe us without any breaks. The world would probably not exist if they didn’t…
The Nazis and a dog have won the Oscar trophy. It was the first voting and the movies were still silent. For Rin Tin Tin, the 11-year-old German Shepherd rescued from ‘World War I’, these times were glorious, like the…
Typical situation in the XXI century. You watch the favourite series on your monitor in a car in the time of driving. On the left hand side you have a steering wheel and a sandwich while messaging your friends on…
What is a real fantasy today, can be a usual habit tomorrow. In the sixties everybody expected that in the XXI century we’ll live on Mars or maybe even further. It didn’t happen, but we invented smartphones, self-driving cars and…
Being a politician isn’t easy. Sometimes it’s just impossible to make everybody happy. But you can’t dwell on the fact as you can’t make everyone happy. That’s why they created the post of “minister for happiness” in United Arab Emirates.…
Like Mark Twain once said, sometimes it’s “better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt”. You also have to remember this rule when you are trying to use gestures in foreign…
“It’s when you go away that you see who cares about you”. A young girl I know, who moved from France to the USA posted this on Facebook and it caught my attention. When I decided to leave France 13…
The first seminar on the Voice of Migrants in Irish Politics, organised by Dialogue and Diversity, took place this week at Trinity College and was a very enriching experience. The seminar room was full of people from many different backgrounds…
If you want to know the basics about living in Ireland, Babylon Radio is certainly your place. But there are some things that we can’t tell you, things that only the people who have lived long enough can know. Older…