Category Entertainment

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Who Smokes The Most ?

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Do you remember or just have seen cigarettes commercials from sixties ? A man who wasn’t smoking, was condemned to be single for a rest of his life. Now, about 70 years after the first Marlboro-cowboy advertisement, smoking is less…

Top 5 trips for the weekend


Do you know that Dublin Bay is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve? The weekend is coming and you should plan a little trip outside the chaotic life of the central city… Malahide Castle and Gardens Malahide Castle is one of the…

Tricks for more creativity

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A screwed off doorknob or Picasso’s ‘stay-home-day’ – many big thinkers and artist are not only genius but also have rituals to gain space for creativity. Everyone could learn from this. You didn’t leave behind a painting like Picasso? Your…

Why the F**k do people swear?

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Research shows that children start swearing by the age of six and we tend to swear about 0.5% to 0.7% of the time. That’s about one dozen curses each day, depending on whether you are a Harvard professor or a…

Did you lose your travel ticket?

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Everyone could happen to lose their house’s key, the agenda in which you have written all your appointments, your favorite hat, but what’s happening if you lose your travel pass? Losing your travel ticket could make you very disappointed because…