The ‘fifth Beatle’ died

He was not as famous as the members of the band but his influence on what The Beatles did, is undeniable. He had produced more than 700 records of their music. Sir George Martin dies aged 90.
“I have so many wonderful memories of this great man that will be with me forever” – said Sir Paul McCartney in a statement on his website.
“He was a true gentleman and like a second father to me. He guided the career of The Beatles with such skill and good humour that he became a true friend to me and my family. If anyone earned the title of the fifth Beatle it was George. From the day that he gave The Beatles our first recording contract, to the last time I saw him, he was the most generous, intelligent and musical person I’ve ever had the pleasure to know.”
He was open to experiment with The Beatles, allowing John Lennon and Paul McCartney to do what they want.
Famously, Martin walked out of the band’s first recording session at Abbey Road, leaving his engineers to supervise the recording of Besame Mucho while he went to the canteen. He’s probably the only person in history who left The Beatles for sandwiches. I hope they were very tasty.
But when the group started playing Love Me Do, a tape operator called him back. It was the start of the most productive producer-musician relationship in pop music history.
As the recording session finished, Martin asked if there was anything the band didn’t like. “Well, for a start” – replied George Harrison. “I don’t like your tie”.