Working Hard, Playing Harder

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Hard Working Class Heroes Festival comes to Dublin this weekend. Music lovers across the city and beyond are gearing up for one of the most anticipated events in Dublin’s calendar. Hard Working Class Heroes is a city-wide music festival which…

Nanobots Take Nobel Chemistry Prize

The evidence of technology’s bold and relentless march into the future is all around us, so far ingrained into our everyday lives that in these enlightened times it would almost be unimaginable to live without an electrical device nestled in…

World Animal Week

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This week is world animal week! A full week dedicated to loving animals in all their shapes and forms. It is celebrated around the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. This week is aimed…

UK Fastest Growing G7 Economy

UK Fastest Growing G7 Economy

The FTSE has closed at a near record high of 7,074.34 today, alleviating doubts about the state of the British economy in the wake of the Brexit result, but leaving many Irish investors short changed. The FTSE soared 1.3%, nearing the…

The Wild Atlantic Way

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Strap on your helmets and get on your runners – I’m going to give you a tour of the Wild Atlantic Way (WAW). This route is a designated path stretching the length of the country, from Donegal to Cork along…

Dublin’s Museums: Back to the Past


Dublin is a city with a long history and tradition and is proud of  quality literature with many world-renowned writers. There are many museums, art galleries and historical buildings. Dublin is full of modern and contemporary art as well as former…

Nobel Prize For Strange Behaviour

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Three British-born scientists have been named as this year’s joint Nobel Prize winners in the field of Physics. David Thouless, Duncan Haldane and Michael Kosterlitz will share the prestigious award for their discoveries relating to the behaviour of strange forms…

Haiti Braces For Hurricane Catastrophe

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Haiti is again bracing itself for natural disaster this morning as a devastating hurricane approaches the Caribbean nation. Hurricane Matthew, a category 4 storm, is fast approaching the western tip of the country, and is expected to hit land in…