Tag ireland

Top Irish Myths

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The Shamrock Perhaps an unofficial symbol of Ireland the Shamrock has held meaning to most of Ireland’s historic cultures. Druids believed the Shamrock was a sacred plant that could ward off evil. The Celtics believed the Shamrock had mystical properties…

Top Stats About Ireland

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Less people know them than think that you are The US president. Irish people are the biggest phone internet users in the western world. A third of all web access there comes from handsets. Ireland is : the third biggest…

Is Ireland Migrant Friendly?


It was a great event for every Dubliner thinking about the Irish future and even more interesting for migrants (including me). One hundred years after The Irish Rising, we met in Dublin City Council on Monday morning to discuss if…

The War of Independence

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There are only few countries in the world which didn’t have to fight for their independence. They are born under a lucky star but with thinner history books.   In 1919, a war called the War of Independence began against…

EURO 2016 TV Schedule

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FRIDAY JUNE 10th France v Romania (20:00, RTÉ2) SATURDAY JUNE 11TH Albania v Switzerland (14:00, RTÉ2) Wales v Slovakia (17:00, RTÉ2) England v Russia (20:00, TV3) SUNDAY JUNE 12TH Turkey v Croatia (14:00, TV3) Poland v Northern Ireland (17:00, RTÉ2)…

Don’t Stop This Movie

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It was a great night for the Irish cinematography. It received the record nine nominations and two of them became the awards. Brie Larson, american star, who played in Irish “Room”, was called the best actress. What’s maybe more important,…

The Easter Rising

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Holidays. Sometimes you eat chocolate eggs, sometimes proclaim independence. In 1916 Great Britain was “the empire on which the sun never sets” and had one of the biggest territories in history*. Then Ireland started what India had ended. Not only…

Irish Decalog

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Ten facts about Ireland which will surprise you more than this title I It is very difficult to pour a perfect Guinness. A “perfect pour” should take 119.5 seconds at an angle of 45 degrees followed by a rest. After…