

Fast and Fastests

Bugatti Chiron Details zum Veyron Nachfolger 1200x800 fc95b1fccf0fba48

In 2017, for just $2.4m, you will be able to buy a car with which being too late to work will be impossible. The new Bugatti, called Chiron, was unveiled today at the Geneva motor show and every motor fanatic…

Welcome back home Scott


US Astronaut Scott Kelly has touched down on Earth after almost a year aboard  the International Space Station (ISS). The NASA scientist is comparing the result of the Scott’s test (psychological and physical) with his twin Mark. The commander Scott…

Who Will Run The World ?

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Who Will Run The World ? The United States of America. One of the biggest countries, with the largest economy and the most nuclear bombs. The voting pre-elections show that Barack Obama’s successor will be Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.…

Twenty From Plenty (vol. II) …

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… things to do in Dublin.   XI. Find your Queen at the Dublin Castle It’s a collection of 18th-century administrative buildings, built on a medieval plan of two courtyards. Dublin Castle hosts grand diplomatic or state functions, and occasional…


starbucks beans

Starbucks is opening in Milan next year. Are the Italian ready to accept it or it will be a big failure for Mister Schultz? It could be surprising to learn that Italians are just the seventh-largest consumer of the beverage…

Everything Gonna Be Alright

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Eurozone unemployment is lowest since August 2011. More people have jobs now, more spend money, more jobs should be created in the coming months. The best situation in Europe is now in Germany (4.3%) and the worst, but still better…