Ireland’s Hosepipe Ban: Some Information

People who waste water during the hose ban face the threat of being taken to court because the Irish Water Authority warned the country is in crisis.
Irish Water warned that the current ban will be extended “all over the country” in the next few days, indicating that people who continue to waste water will be punished.
Continued violation of the hose ban and the refusal to pay a fine of 125 euros will force the homeowner to be forced before the judge.
The utility stated that although it did not want to bring people to court, it would “ “review its options in the case of a persistent breach of the order combined with a refusal to pay the on-the-spot fine”.
The ban will be implemented in the Greater Dublin area starting today and will continue until the end of the month.
However, the Director of Water Affairs of Ireland, Jerry Grant said that he expects further hosepipe bans to be introduced, with sweltering conditions expected to continue during the week.
What does it contain?
The ban prohibits people from using their garden hoses with only a few exceptions. People are not allowed to use hoses to water gardens or potted plants, to wash or wash ships, or to fill paddles, ponds or fountains.
The ban will be in force 24 hours a day for the next month.
Where is it?
Currently, the Irish Water Company only implements a hose ban throughout Dublin, but the Irish Water Company says there are more than 100 areas across the country that are at risk of water shortages and are considering a hose ban to protect the water supply.
The decision to extend the ban to other areas is likely but will be considered on a case-by-case basis. At the same time, water restrictions at night have been put in place in several parts of the country to help protect the water supply.
Water supply programs in 27 locations in the southern part of the country have been severely affected by droughts, including Kilkenny, Carlow, Waterford, parts of Limerick and Kerry.
How is it implemented?
People can report their neighbors or anyone they see violated the ban. Tips for reporting excessive drinking water can be obtained at 1850 278 278.
The water company said they will add additional staff next month. The telephone line can also be used to ask employees for general water protection inquiries.
If the Irish Water Company believes that someone has committed a violation of the protection order, they may be fined 125 euros and will be prosecuted if they do not pay within 21 days.
What should we do?
Irish Water also called for measures to save on general water use. Take a shower instead of a bath, watering your plants with a watering can in the morning or evening to limit evaporation.