Debate: H&M, what do you think?

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The last H&M campaign, which features a variety of models from different cultures, sizes and genders, has created a lot of fuzz and some controversy, so we decided to hit the streets of Dublin to know what people think of…

800 new jobs for Northern Ireland

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French based firm Teleperformance is set to create 800 jobs in Northern Ireland through its new call center in Co Fermanagh. The international company is expanding operations at an Enniskillen-based contact centre which it agreed to take over earlier this…

Irish doctors are increasingly trained abroad

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Each year, the Irish medical system is becoming more globalised. The last Medical Workforce Report by the Medical Council shows that in 2014, 35.7% of doctors registered in the Medical Council graduated from a medical school outside Ireland; this compares with…

RWC15 – Quarter Final Schedule and Preview


South Africa v Wales – Saturday October 17th, 16:00 While South Africa is the bookmakers favorite, the Welsh have proved to be resourceful during the group stage, essentially beating England in the last minutes of the game. They have unfortunately been…

The Brain


The brain is a complex and fascinating organ. It is essentially what makes us up. Now you can say that our body is made up of a lot of things but you could theorize that we are just brains that…

European: A journey through European culture

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Are you interested in culture? What if I told you that there is a single place from where to access almost any European cultural item you can think of? That place is called Europeana, and it is the biggest multi-lingual…