Productive Quarantine: Develop Your Hidden Talents During Lockdown

There are two types of people during quarantine: the ones who watch Netflix all day and all night long and procrastinate and the ones that try to be productive. If you are part of the ‘productive quarantine’ group, keep reading, we have some ideas for you!
Playing an instrument
Music heals. The vast majority of studies indicate that it is one of the most effective therapies of all times, we all know that. Maybe you can’t sing, but you keep screaming at pubs when ‘It’s My Life’ by Bon Jovi plays. I’m sure you’ve tried or thought about playing an instrument but maybe you gave up on the idea because ‘you didn’t have the time or the money’. Okay, good news! For the ones who stay home during lockdown I tell you something: you have so much free time to spend (not to waste) and you need zero euros.
If we don’t have an instrument, we can always create a new one. You can start with this pan flute made by straws (only if you have them already at home, please don’t buy more plastic). You will need:
- 8 straws
- Scissors
- Lighter
- Roll of Tape
Now you’re ready to make it sound as good as Peter Pan does!
By the way, sometimes, we can just use things that are on top of our desk, giving them a second use. This old but absolutely awesome tutorial shows us how easy it is to play music with a pair of drumsticks with a little rubber on top of them (if possible), a pretty thick book and something on a lower level, like a folder. Have fun!
Writing means purification to your soul. At the moment, your brain probably works faster than usual thinking about all the stuff that the world is going on through, or maybe you think you’re doing okay but something inside you is trying to get out. Turn off the TV and write everything you have on your mind down, this is the perfect time for checking out this video and be surrounded by the power of a pen and paper (studies show that our brain responds better to the touch of these than to the fabrics of a computer, but it always depends on the person, of course).
“Mens sana in corpore sano”. Starting a gratitude journal is another idea you could try for this quarantine. Three times per week and five thoughts each would be enough to see results: being more empathetic to the people around you, improving self-confidence and having more resilience. If you get creative, you can decorate it using the watercolor technique!
We’ve all tried watercolour painting at some point; maybe you were a kid and you don’t even remember it. What you’re probably sure of is that you’ll have a good time if you try it. Having to be focused on holding the brush so rigorously, already helps a lot in the process. The soft touch when sliding it over the watercolour paper will generate a sense of calm that you probably did not have two minutes ago. As we already suggested, you can use this technique for making your gratitude journal more beautiful and ‘more yours’. Best tips for beginners are on the link below, have a look and make you an artist!
Yoga with Adriene
There could not be a better time and better videos for getting into yoga. From 15 to 40 minutes per day will be enough to feel the benefits of this ancestral practice: the power of breathing, stronger muscles, energic body and body-mind connection.
Adriene is personally the best mentor of them all, once you start you’ll understand why. She will guide you on a 30 days- trip plus extra videos for improving other aspects. In her own words, “This is designed for us. All of us. To come together as we are. To uncover aspects of ourselves that are already within, and celebrate who we really are. Trust me, trust yourself, the map is already within you”. Namaste.
Let’s get creative! At this moment of socially distancing, we are closer to our friends. Ironic, right? It’s time to use our cameras and/or mobile phones during the quarantine and try some home photography ideas. You might discover that you are better at this than expected so you post your shots on Instagram, giving a professional touch to your feed. Curtis Padley gifts you some tips on the link below to “show that even at home there are plenty of photography opportunities waiting to be captured”.
We hope we develop some of your hidden talents and help you have a productive quarantine. Or, at least, encourage you to try it. Don’t hesitate to tag us on our social media if you try any of those advice. Stay safe, folks!
Bonus recommendations: Free courses at Domestika and How to…Anything