What’s Next For Migrant Families?

After Donald Trump signed the command to end the practice, the political battle of migrant children separated from their parents in the United States has been transferred to the Congress.
The House of Representatives will vote for the broader immigration bill to fund the proposed border wall proposed by President Trump and reduce illegal immigration.
But Democrats object President Trump’s propose them and it is unsure that they will pass.
Mr. Trump reversed his policies after a public outcry protesting his policies at home and abroad and was widely seen as an inhumane policy.
The order requires that these families be detained together while considering their case.
US immigration officials stated that between May 5 and June 9, 2,342 children were separated from 2,206 parents.
After the president reversed course after days of digging in, finding a balance between the implementation of US immigration laws and the maintenance of family unity will lead to many unknown factors.
The detentions will continue, those who cross the border illegally will still be detained. Administrative orders replaced family separation and family detention.
Executive orders seek more power and detain families together until their immigration process ends.