Don’t Worry Be Happy

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Total Irish employment rose by 44,100 last year, according to the Quarterly National Household Survey. This is a very good news for people in Ireland as well as for future migrants. More money will be spent on Guinness and umbrellas,…

Why they left right-handed traffic ?

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About thirty five percent of the world population drives on the left. Thank you Britain. But do we have the right to judge them ? Actually, in a feudal past, when people needed letters and dove to send a Tweet,…

Je pense en Français et speak English

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‘The Alliance Français’. The non-profit organisation and a registered Irish charity. They are trying to make Dublin more French, and make it friendlier for the big minority of Napoleon compatriots here. It is not easy, and even more difficult than…

Terrorism can win with politics, but not music

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It was November 13th when the Islamic terrorists attacked Paris. In ‘The Bataclan Theatre’, during the concert of ‘The Eagles of Death Metal’, 89 people were killed. Three months after, this metal band returned to Paris to finish their concert.…

Teanga deacra ar domhan

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Now you can ask. What does this title mean and why does it sound so strange ? Because it is in Gaelic and it means ‘hardest language to learn’. But actually there are languages which are a lot more difficult…

“There should be more migrants in public life”

There is no other country in Europe that has changed so much in last few years. From the conservative, homogenous place inhabited only by the local people, Dublin became one of the most multicultural places on the continent. This could…

Who speaks fastest ?

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Do you know this situation when you hear somebody speaking in a foreign language and it is quicker than Ferrari driven by Usain Bolt? Is it the result of unfamiliarity or maybe different languages have different paces? Linguist François Pel­legrino…