Tag art

Shape the Future


Visit an inspiring exhibition at the National College of Art & Design, Dublin next week. Shape the Future is open from 1pm-5-pm until the 20th March. Explore how objects, craft and design can shape our cultural identity and how culture…

F – Festival

Italian Fusion Festival

The F – Festival takes place on 11th of March. The female fronted festival, which of course is for everyone, is quite a new and fresh event. The festival kicked off for the first time just one year ago. The…

Wexford Drama Festival

drama festval

The Wexford Drama Festival takes place in March, where you are going to have a chance to see talented actors and their performances. From 2nd to 10th of March  every night you will be taken to the world of art…

in the making: FORGE Art Exhibition

IMG 2805

The fourth year art students of IADT (Institute of Art, Design and Technology) are holding an exhibition of new work at Pallas Projects. Split over three different installments, in the making follows the artistic process. Commencing with SPARK, where the…

Dublin’s Museums: Back to the Past


Dublin is a city with a long history and tradition and is proud of  quality literature with many world-renowned writers. There are many museums, art galleries and historical buildings. Dublin is full of modern and contemporary art as well as former…