Category Featured

Discover the best and most outstanding in our special category, Featured. Here you will find carefully selected content that stands out for its quality, originality or relevance.

Irish Myths: Oisín and Tír na nÓg

Irish myths

Ireland is known for its rich heritage of mythological tales and ancient symbols. In Irish mythology, tales are usually put into four periods. The first one is called the Mythological Cycle that mainly comprises pre-Christian stories of the god-like early…

School Portraits at Draíocht

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School Portraits, an exhibition held and organized by Draíocht from the 24th of May to the 24th of June at Draíocht, displayed work of 4 artists who expressed themselves through different kinds of art form. The exhibition represented Irish school…

Always follow your dreams


From the day we are born, we are put into a system in order to follow the rules constructed by the society and culture we live in. Nowadays, society puts pressure on us to go to school and find a…