Tag dublin

Festa Junina 2017

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Festa Junina, otherwise known as the Midsummer Festival, is taking place in the Tivoli on Sunday the 25th of June. The day will be filled with performances from live bands such as Forró Namangaia and Trio The Pé No Chão and…

5 Gardens To Visit in Dublin

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Dublin is filled with historic buildings and natural landscapes that can blow you away. Here’s a curated list of the only five of the popular gardens to visit in Dublin. Botanical Gardens  The Botanical Gardens are located three kilometres away…

The Red Hot Chilipeppers Tribute Show

red hot chilli

The Red Hot Chilli Peppers were formed in Los Angeles in 1983. Currently, the members of the band are Anthony Kields, Flea, Chad Smith and Josh Klinghoffer. Their music is considered as funk music with elements of punk rock and…

The Garage Gigs

garage gigi

“The Garage gigs” take place at the Grand Social on 15th April. The concert is organised by garageland, IMRO, Hot Press Magazine, RTE 2XM and RAAP. It has hosted around 28 artists since last year. Each time, the gigs were…

First Impressions of Dublin


Babylon Radio’s interns come from all around the world. Experiencing culture shock, therefore, comes as no surprise. Find out what Babylon Radio’s interns’ first impressions of Dublin are. Many houses in Dublin (in the residential areas) look…the same or at…